DiViNE EViL DiViNE EViL: December 2008


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Return of the CTRL bug

I haven't touched my laptop for a long time. Not like I really have anything much to do with it anyway, and the control button bug has returned to bug me. Well, I do admit that I was really kind of lazy the past week, in which I have been doing absolutely nothing even though I'm serving National Service (NS). Apparently my seniors are all taking leave during this period of time and there was no meaning to report to an empty unit.

Well, without needing to attend school next year, I certainly feel that something is missing. Like doing homework, perhaps. I do feel I'm going to miss some things during these two years, like getting cut off from the world for a while. However, due to my circumstances, it could be a good opportunity to learn something extra.

As a result of the recent events, this December seemed to pass extremely quick for me. My birthday felt like a normal day, as did Christmas Day. There are still many things I need to do, or want to do...but before I will fully realise it, I will be two years older.

So good luck to me and my tolerance for boredom. I will need it.
JLam posted this at 15:12 | link | 0 comments |

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Now that examinations are finally over, albeit with some guilty aftereffects, one would expect the time to be less constrained on our schedules. Unfortunately, due to my enlistment date next Monday, my time is limited yet again. However, this time, it gives me much less to worry about.

It doesn't help that much of the past week was spent painting the house. My father always prefers to do these things by ourselves, including fixing the computer, fixing other electrical appliances, fixing doors and stuff...he would never hire somebody to do it if he could do it himself.

There is nothing much to painting, really, except that I was relieved that I didn't have to paint the ceiling. My father was complaining about neck pains after a few days. Also was the irritating fact that the previous layer kept peeling off if you didn't scrape it.

My few weeks break was otherwise littered with attempts to program something, which I successfully did in small scale. I also woke up very late every morning, uncharacteristic of my old self. Perhaps I found the irritants of my laptop becoming more intolerable, as somehow I didn't touch it for a week.

Oh and our Graduation Dinner was on the second of December, and the events which transpired very much followed what I expected it to, except that I didn't play bridge. I wore nearly the same as I did at my cousin's wedding last year, except that I had an additional blazer this time, actually acquired during that event in question from my uncle.

So this would probably be my last post before I get enlisted. I'm still hoping my piano skills won't die on me, as I hope to take my diploma as soon as possible, if time permits. Very likely, it won't. Anyway, I need to change my playing style. I have found my own weakness which has been developing and thus restricting some of my finger's movements. Also, I still have flat fingers sometimes...

And with another monotonous note, I end another year. Not yet, really. But I actually want to stay in this time period for a longer time. Hopefully, luck can pull me out of this one again.

But even that can abandon your cause.
JLam posted this at 23:04 | link | 0 comments |