DiViNE EViL DiViNE EViL: April 2010


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Of Trees and Isolation

The weather is turning bad lately. Usually I won't do posts on events but okay, this might be a bit out of the normal to actually irk my interest a little.

The strength of winds walloping our tiny country has been increasing over the years. I admit, I've been unwilling to accept this fact. Throughout these years, the winds have increased their ability from breaking tree branches to uprooting whole trees. In fact, the winds fell at least four trees on one single stretch of road (and a main road at that) on Friday, completely causing chaos to traffic and one tree actually blocked all four lanes of both directions. It was an interesting scene to watch, though, as people were frantically attempting to saw apart the fallen branches blocking the road. However it didn't really help that I had to behold the scene from a packed bus which had me standing for over an hour and a half carrying my really full bag on the verge of exploding.

Another event was that of meeting my secondary school friends after probably about four years not seeing each other. There is a different feeling I can feel when I'm with them, that of 'the JC feeling'. Except that I'm inferior and pretty out of the loop. I don't know if I'm getting the vibe of their professionalism or confidence, but I feel that they are the people with reliable futures...while I am still pondering over my own.

Ah oh well. This is for my own reference anyway. I'm still going to play piano, though for the number of years I've been playing I should have been better. Well I think it doesn't matter, as long as I still try to improve.

Sometimes the most primitive of thinkings prevail through obliviousness.
JLam posted this at 12:30 | link | 0 comments |

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blink of an Eye

Time sure passes fast. It's now April, without me noticing. I've even missed a post for March, even though I did type something on Facebook but then again I'm too lazy to even copypaste it here.

What I have to say is that it's sure hard to multitask. Even within piano itself it is hard to play all I want and need. Pieces that I like to play myself, and pieces that I have to play for the preparation of the diploma, and pieces that my father wants me to play. Add to that having to learn the Bass Guitar, which I'm slowly dropping away from, and driving, which I had put on hold, and retaking 'A' levels, which I haven't even started yet. Perhaps it has to do with the fact I sleep too much on weekends. If only on weekdays I didn't have to do so much and think so much in order to have a peaceful work life.

If only my weekdays didn't pass aimlessly...but this is the unintelligent fact that bothers the working adults. They are commited to one routine, and have nothing else to think of. However, for us serving temporarily, we should not be induced into these permanent attitudes of work. It will, instead, hinder us in our development in our own strategic advantages. Such is the disappointment that befalls the development in human characteristics. Additionally, it exposes us to the politics and corruption within an organisation that can happen. Though this might be advantageous if we manage to learn from their mistakes, otherwise becoming absorbed into their lifestyle alters our thinking and interrupts our continuity.

That said, I can do nothing now but make use of those weekends.
JLam posted this at 01:29 | link | 0 comments |