DiViNE EViL DiViNE EViL: New Year Resolutions


Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Hey, I'm actually doing these...

Anyway, I do wish to improve myself dramatically, now that I'm not attending full-time academic studies for two years. Starts next to the points seem to indicate my present willingness to commit to the resolution (More stars = less willing to = more difficult/improbable)

-Compose at least one piece of music for piano (*)
-Stop being a semi-wuss (**)
-Compose at least one piece of music for band/orchestra (***)
-Learn to Drive (****)
-Obtain Piano ATCL diploma (***)
-Attend Nightclasses to learn something optional (****)
-Positively determining/committing to something [depends on 'A'-level results] (*****)
-Perfect La Campanella (***)

The release of my 'A'-level results will certainly change my future quite a bit, but I'm not really looking forward to it. Over the duration of this year I will probably lament more about my sister whom I have been beginning to lose touch with due to lifestyle, attitude and character differences. And that's saying a lot.

I can hope, of course, that something crucial befalls my monotonous drone onwards to death. Perhaps a breakthrough or something. However I don't see that happening much while I'm in NS, so my hopes are for events that can actually improve my lifestyle even in NS. Not that it's even likely.

I just require the knowledge...concerning the power of DiViNE EViL that I can't feel. More imaginary than it is ever, though of this I will not touch on just yet.

Not just yet.
JLam posted this at 19:06


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