DiViNE EViL DiViNE EViL: Torn Personality


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Torn Personality

I'm still part of the uber-introvert I once was, but I'm attempting to see everything in a more general view.

So I went to crash yesterday's PJC Orientation 2 after my CCA, along with Josh, Ashraf, and Collin. I guess they had just gone there because they finished their CCA late too. Mine ended at 2000hrs, which was relatively average for my CCA on Fridays. It had been raining before that, so the orientation ended in the hall instead of the main square. It was really stuffy there, with all the hype and heat. I was still in my non-sweat friendly school uniform.

We then went to Lot1, which by then was alreadly 2200hrs and the Popular Bookstore was closed much to my laziness disappointment. It means I have to go out one of these days to use my vouchers...or I might even be too lazy to do that. Much of today has passed by like lightning again, I have no idea why.

Let me recall...this morning, I woke up at about 0930, and I did nothing much except reading some Geography till lunch. Then I went to sleep as I was somehow more tired than usual. I slept twenty minutes more than I intended, then I went trying to compose again, resuming my work from one week ago. Unfortunately I ran out of manuscript paper, much to my annoyance, and my printer ran out of black ink. I then tried using a copy of the Finale 2006 I had backup from before, but it needed registering and will expire within 30 days. Well, that's a deadline for me completing that piece. However, the common tests are looming up ahead...

Actually, I don't make many 'diary' posts on this blog much. Usually the posts consist of my feelings and...advice. This is actually a move away from the 'Daniel-Tay Yi' event (I refuse to call it saga). Things have settled down, and I'm glad they have. Amusing...I type better than I speak. That is because...there is time to think before typing.

I think I think too much, if you get what I mean.
JLam posted this at 21:07


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