DiViNE EViL DiViNE EViL: So I politely told them to stfu.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

So I politely told them to stfu.

As I have mentioned in my previous post, "So I politely told them to stfu" was a phrase that caught my eye. In case you do not know, it caught my eye not because it was vulgar, but because it was...contradictory.

'O'-level results were released last week, one month earlier than usual. Apparently they want to do away with the whole PAE first-three-months thing. With all those changes happening right here and now to the curriculum system, things seemed all so different just three years ago on the same academic level. Changing the subject combinations in secondary schools, the introduction of ECAs which turned into compulsary CCAs, changing of 'A'-level subject curriculum...what is the purpose anyway.

Incidentally, it includes working us off for a H1 subject. Take geography for example. It used to be halving the subject horizontally, as in same amount of content but not as deep. Now it halves vertically, in which we have to study more to understand what the subject is talking about. All these changes to benefit us? More like hamper our time in studying for a subject that you did not want to take in the first place. Mark my words I do not hate geography, except for the 'economic geography' portion (heard of 'geographic economics' much?) but most of the people I know studying their H1 will give no thought about it except when it comes to it being a promotion criteria. Actually I have thought why am I studing mathematics and sciences. I really have not much interest in them, I would prefer literature but I guess I wanted a more 'confirmed' scoring sstem...now not to my benefit. And I am pissed off now because for every letter 't' and 'y' I type I have to highlight an existing letter, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V everywhere (must be the curse of Tay Yi). So I will probably stop ranting and end my post soon. (If some of the phrases above confuse you, it is because I'm not using some suitable words that contain those two letters for my convenience.)

Lately, somehow, I have been sort-of addicted to Queen songs. That, considering that the band technically did not exist after 1991 says that it is something special. It is almost the only kind of rock music I listen to. And that is considering I listen to classical and game soundtracks. The only problem with that is, I have tests coming up next week. Ah and my brain is so saturated. I don't really know why.

And this computer is definitely getting on my nerves. Fortunately they're under my skin. If you thought that was lame, I will politely tell you to stfu. Don't worry you will probably not be offended.
JLam posted this at 23:21


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