DiViNE EViL DiViNE EViL: Fire Drills Cut Time


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fire Drills Cut Time

Literally translated into, Flames tunnel into the ground and chop a clock. TY-style.

Anyway, our school had a...alarm bell drill today...there was no fire. And that was after our Chinese lesson when we were supposed to have a break! We stood in the field with the rest of the school doing nothing until the rain started to fall about...30 minutes later. Which left 30 minutes in our break time, with half the school looking at the empty canteen hoping to be the first to dash into the stalls...

Otherwise, it was quite an uneventful day. Honestly. The reason I'm typing something here is because I most probably can't tomorrow! Ah, oh well.
JLam posted this at 17:05


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