DiViNE EViL DiViNE EViL: The post that I couldn't post II, part II


Thursday, March 22, 2007

The post that I couldn't post II, part II

Then as early evening arrived, we went to have some open-air outside barbeque in which we actually had to pay five dollars each for that stuff. KF didn't pay at all, and he ate 10 Chicken wings, 10 satay sticks(not the wooden sticks), about 3 sausages, 2 marshmallows, and 3 plates of Bee Hoon. I must say, now that's what you call value for money...I guess nobody else ate that much, not to mention there wasn't much to start with anyway. However, mysteriously, there was still some food from other groups remaining...
And after that we did some recapitulation of our Orientation...and shouted myself nearly hoarse. This is only the third time I can recall shouting that much. And anyway, the other two times were just because I was stressed and went sort of berserk.
So I guess, it's another post talking about stuff...what it was, it was, a
Good Evening.
JLam posted this at 00:20


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